Thursday, January 28, 2010

"I Kept My Mouth Shut From the Start"

Go HOME! go home. Go Home. GO HOME!!!!

eerrrggg. I'm a bit frustrated...kind of just slightly.

Ever had that "guest" or person that doesn't really know when to leave? I DO!
Well, that person is a friend, BUT STILL! I almost wish this person were kind of like my close friends, that when it's really late, you say the words (however [im/]politely you want) "Hey, it's late. I'm tired. Ya gotta go- go sleep in your own bed/couch/palette."

All this would be fine and dandy, buuuttttt...there's just one complication-

This person "is complicated" / I-don't-even-know-what-the-eff with a roommate. And since there's some sort of maybe relationship-esque thing going on there, I can't just say, "HEY! Leave. Thanks. Bye. Don't come back for at least another 8-12 hours!"
All I really wish I could do is speak my mind and say, "hey, yeah, I signed up to have TWO roommates, NOT THREE!" But I can't tell this person what to do. I mean, yes, this place where we live is one-third mine, but this person is also the guest of the other two, and it's not like we're living with our parents and living by their rules- we can do what we long as it's what we ALL want (and you know how well that works)
I just don't feel comfortable with this person being here all the time. I mean, I said something last semester to my roomies; it made me feel better, but it seriously did not solve a thing. great.

Also, another part of this is just that I guess I might not fully agree.

1) I do not want to see your canoodling on a couch on which I sleep, watch TV, eat, or do whatever. IT'S WEIRD AND AWKWARD!

2) There's a number of other things...okay, maybe not that much more, but still!

I do not like cohabitation.
Many people my age and older don't mind. The occasional overnight crash is totally dandy, but when I go to sleep, and you're here, and I wake up in the middle of the night, and you're still here, and I get ready for class, AND YOU'RE STILL HERE, it kinda gets to me. just a little bit.
And if it were the other way around, I honestly would set some sort of rule or boundary: After a certain should go. Yes, even if it were my boyfriend, boy friend, or whoever, you should go sleep in your own bed.

I want to see things from other people's point of view on cohabitation, or things like it, but I just wish people understood how I felt. Sometimes I think I should just live alone. hm....what a thought. PSH! That ain't gonna happen!!!!

My status: "-wish I knew how to speak my mind."
My friend's comment: "it starts with opening your mouth... and sometimes it helps to close your eyes at the beginning... :] "

soo true. sigh. someday...I'll find some people who agree with me on a big number of things, not just a number of things.

I should try to go to sleep, I have journalism class in 6 hours and I've been awake since 7:10 Wednesday morning.


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